Watchful Eye Supervision

    2 reviews
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City: Concord

State: California


Phone: 925-200-7098


Supervised Visitations Monitor/Facilitator


Notes have not been posted for this name/business.


This supervision company is a complete joke. The owner, Neoma, treats all visiting patients like they are criminals, despite the complicated story that has caused the person to be there. False allegations are present in so many family court cases that she has to be aware that probably half of the parents there are actually being dragged over the coals by the other side. In our case, she was chosen as the supervisor by my ex's lawyer. She communicates more often with that side of the case than with me, her paying client. She does not provide reports when I ask for them, having inside knowledge of my court dates and if my ex is planning to get the court date scheduled or stalled. Once the reports do arrive, there are false statements in them that of course, cannot be verified by anyone else because it's just the visiting parent's word against her.

At the visits, she is very mean to the children, at times scaring them. She forces all parents to vacuum and clean her office while the children watch. She is erratic with billing and once did not charge me for a few months - turns out it coincided with the end of the year she was filing bankruptcy - obviously she couldn't be seen as earning income!

Neoma is not in the business of helping families heal and recover. She is in the business of keeping the parents paying for her services and staying in supervised care. The reports are engineered as such - to continue the parent being supervised. She works together with many lawyers in the area, so watch out! They are probably colluding to keep you and your children in this certain level of hell for a long time.

So, custodial parents, by all means. Use her if you want your ex spouse to suffer.



Watchful Eye Supervision is run by a (financially and emotionally) unstable lady named Neoma Gottlieb. Neoma struggled financially for years prior to opening Watchful Eye Supervision (proven by her Chapter 13 bankruptcy, which you can see here:

Neoma needs to pay attention during the visits, and not write out invoices and do paperwork, compulsively check her phone, and intermittently "fake laugh" to make a show that she's paying attention.

What bothers me the most about Neoma is that she lies and takes advantage of parents, keeping them in visitation for years and years. Neoma still doesn't deliver her reports, either, which is a violation of Court Rule 5.20.

Somebody should have supervised Neoma, but since she's broken the law and rule too many times for years, she should just be taken off the supervised visitation list at this point.


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