About Us



CUSTODY PLAYERS is the place where family law litigants can find necessary information about the officers of  the court, professionals, businesses, and all people who can influence their experience and result in the Family Law System.  We offer information and reviews about judges, supervised visitation monitors, therapists, minors' counsel and lawyers, designed to inform people who find themselves in the system about these professionals’ skills and moral standards so they can make intelligent choices in pursuit of their objectives.


To avoid confusion, we took the liberty and literary license to consider a "CUSTODY PLAYER" anyone who is either employed or makes a living participating in the Family Law System.



This website came about as a result of a very painful, personal experience I was unfortunate enough to have encountered. I was sued by my ex “best friend” and “confidant” without any prior inkling of what was coming down the pike. The lawsuit, in which I appeared “pro-per”, involved financial matters and, what was most important to me, the custody of my two children. The litigation lasted for approximately three years, which is considered average by industry standards, and ended tragically for everyone involved. My ex-spousal unit, my children and I were dragged through every major segment of the system:  mediation, attorneys, minor’s counsel, psychological/psychiatric evaluations, therapists, supervised visitation monitors, and two gods (judges)with completely different approaches to the legal and moral aspects of this lawsuit.


Suffice it to say, my two children have been severely alienated. Incidentally, the current Family Law System and the mental health community in this country refuse to recognize and treat Parent Alienation Syndrome (PAS) as a form of child abuse.


In the end, I appealed this case. My children are still alienated. They live in a different state now. I do see them regularly but with long periods of time in between the visits and not without a monitor. A monitor is usually appointed by a judge if violence exists in a case. No violence ever existed in my situation. The god simply chose to believe false allegations made by my ex-spousal unit without any legal or physical evidence. The ex-spousal unit is out of substantial sum of money for attorney’s fees and I suspect, as a result, had to move to another state where life is cheaper. The only happy campers are the lawyers, therapists, monitors and minor’s counsel. The gods are happy too because they look busy and get to keep their jobs making $181,000 per annum in Los Angeles. Talk about the  budgetary issues in our court system...


As mentioned before, we had two judges presiding over this case. The first one, I believe, was really trying to make something positive out of this fiasco the best he could. However, he was replaced by one that really demonstrated what tremendous damage can result from incompetence and indifference.


After all the smoke settled more or less, I felt not only that justice had not been served in my case, but also realized that my experience may not be unique, and there may be many others in the same predicament. I began to understand that other than your attorneys who may or may not have your best interest at heart, there is really no other place where one can get the all–inclusive information about what really goes on in this multi-billion dollar Family Law racket, and what to expect from its army of money hungry participants. I would have greatly benefited if I knew more about the commissioners I had to consent to so they can preside over my case. My children and I would have had comfortable and revitalizing visits if they were handled by a competent and caring supervised visitations monitor who knew something about PAS. Our therapy sessions would have been handled by a professional who had credentials to reconcile high conflict cases involving PAS where reunification and co-parenting therapy experience are pivotal to have any future results.


I simply felt compelled to create a hub where people had a place to share their opinions about all the “players” in the Family Law System, so that the rest of us could have easier time navigating through the years filled with emotional pain and depression.


Notwithstanding the aforementioned, I still choose to believe that there are CUSTODY PLAYERS in the Family Law System that genuinely care about the litigants/people they process and, most importantly, children that are already emotionally scarred being torn between two contemptuous parents and more often than not are victims of some sort of child abuse.


The only winners in divorce and custody lawsuits are the Family Law System and its players.


We are happy and sad at the same time to see you on our website. Perhaps, you’ve found yourself as one of the litigants in a very bitter custody battle.  Are you about to lose visitation with your children? Custody Players was created to assist people in your predicament. After reading reviews posted by the members of our community, we hope that you feel better informed to select a judge, a lawyer, a supervised visitations monitor and the rest of the Family Law players that may have a life changing impact on your litigation. We are not attorneys, therapists or serve in any other professional capacity in the Family Law System. But, we’ve been through the mill. We’ve experienced this racket called Family Law and decided to make the journey less painful for others.