Dispute Resolution
High Conflict Divorse Cases
Same thing happened to me. She even tried to force me to sign over the deed to my parents condo as collateral the night before our restraining order hearing. Then she subbed out. I just found out she filed a judgement against me for $25 thousand dollars 2 years ago, without ever having her fees heard before the court. I don't know what to do about this.
Pauline Robins was appointed as minor’s counsel to my children. I don’t have kind things to say about Pauline. She is a flip-flopper during hearing, bashing the side that the judge is against. Very unorganized and did not pay attention to detail, just not a good attorney.
What topped it all is when she allowed my ex’s attorneys record her while talking shit about me and my personal business which is totally unethical. Isn't she suppose to be impartial? And how do I know what she said? Well, guess what...it came out during my trial curtesy of Pauline and my ex's legal team.
She came unprepared to hearings. She knew kids were continuously coached against me by my ex but failed to mention it in court.
She recused herself from my case which is the best thing she done while being a minor's counsel for my kids.