Family Law/ Divorce/ Child Custody/ Support/ Mediation/ Arbitration
Notes have not been posted for this name/business.
I had video and witness evidence. The other party had no evidence since there was no wrong-doing on my part. Puente-Porras gave us both restraining orders, I believe, just to look balanced, in spite of what the evidence showed. The audio on the video was most important and when the court speakers would not play the audio portion she would not let me connect my own speaker to the laptop, which was ready to go. When the opposing woman of color yelled "Asian hate!" the judge (who is also a woman of color) sympathized with her and against me, a white male. The judge's rationale for giving me a restraining order was that I showed prejudice when I sent a let with a (USPS issued) stamp with a picture of a dragon.
The judge also gave a restraining order to my wife who had not spoken to the opposing party for years. In spite of the lack of contact, the other party served my wife court papers. When the judge confronted the other party about having no contact with my wife, the other party responded that my wife had taken a picture of her. Even though the photo was taken from within our own home, behind a closed window, to document events related to the serving of papers, the judge still issued a restraining order against my wife. The judge dragged out an open-and-shut case for days, until it was resolved by a different judge who ended the case in five minutes.
This woman is a nightmare. She built her career defending abusers in DV cases. She clearly exhibits a bias towards women, DV victims, mothers in court. She’s even nasty to female attorneys. She also exhibits a bias towards low income people. I’m not sure if she’s mad that’s she’s in family court and not judging murder trials or if she hates women but I’ve witnessed her verbally berate other women appearing before her and she’s lashed on me. I asked her to give me a week to gain the funds for a $100 app she required us to use in our case and she told me if I could afford an attorney I could pay that day (I’m on fee waiver), I reminded her I was represented by legal aid and had zero income besides welfare and had not been receiving child support she told me to get a credit card. She’s volatile.
I do not like this judge. She made some sweeping generalizations after making us sit all day waiting for her to finish her errands after lunch (very late for the afternoon call), she was rude said disparaging things about me when she had only heard a snippet of 17 years of support matters in my case. She made sure she kind of f'd me in my order because although I had not received a penny of child support for over 6 months, she did not order any retroactive support. There were a number of things she did that were unprofessional and biased but I am just glad my hearing is over and she is moving to another courthouse. Thank God.