Dana Meizel (A Day to Remember)

    11 reviews
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City: Newbury Park

State: California

Email: DanaRMeizel@gmail.com

Phone: 805-390-2811


Supervised Visitations Monitor/Facilitator


Notes have not been posted for this name/business.


I do not publicly share grievances with individuals or businesses. I personally believe if we have something to share with the public we should strive to ensure it is 1. useful/helpful 2. isn’t motivated by superficial or personal beliefs. This review is something I have wrestled on and off with for many months (randomly not obsessively ???????? ????) I have come to the conclusion that due to Dana Meizels occupation it is important to share these things.

My professional engagement with Dana was from March to April of this year. As a mother of a 5 year old and 8 month old, was reeling from a DVTRO that had been filed against me. I was confused, scared, vulnerable…all the emotions that one might attribute to being thrown into a lions den, or facing some injustice that has the potential to alter your life and that of your children. Dana was my first, breath of fresh air amongst attorneys and my temporary new normal, she made me feel…as I was, like I wasn’t a criminal. Some social pariah. A scarlet letter. Like I was a normal person navigating through a chaotic situation. She was personable, kind, genuine. She took time to educate me on what her role was and seemed to make a conserved effort to put me at ease prior to our first monitored visit. I felt deeply grateful to have this stranger, as awkward a dynamic as it was, who appeared invested on a personal level.

However…the “Somethings off”, “I’m over thinking”…that feeling that you ignore because you want to believe it’s unfounded, settled in quickly. Being the parent who is being “monitored”, I felt that I was in no position to be questioning anything, and because I had no experience (whatsoever) with this kind of thing, or even knew anyone who had, I chalked up her unprofessional conduct as misguided frustrations with the situation as a whole. Following our first visit I received numerous text messages, at random hours, some at 2am, from Dana Meizel. Incessant. I had only read a code of conduct policy for what was expected of me not of the professional monitor. After 2 weeks of constant schedule changes, dozens of messages, of which a majority were personally or professionally geared from inquiries of how my attorney perceived her professionally, to being 30 mins late, then asking my son and I to let her eat her lunch for half of our visit, to repeatedly asking if we were continuing to schedule appointments with her as she must of sensed issues and our case was…a bit of a cash cow to put it crudely. In my case, whom ever the monitor was would be collecting $1100 in cash weekly for nearly 3 months. Two weeks into our visits I built up the courage and asked my lawyer if there was any possibility, to request another monitor, even offering to pay more if that would help ensure we would not have to continue utilizing Danas services. I then shared why…which my attorney immediately responded with an attached code of conduct document for Danas role. Danas services had produced more stress in the short time she was involved that looking back I honestly feel grateful I had the courage to have her replaced. At my hearing my lawyer shared Dana’s conduct with the judge briefly before they had heard enough to immediately approve a replacement. I was shocked and dismayed that she had been able to take advantage of my families situation.

The monitor I would end up working with for the remainder of my trial (which was dismissed…justice served) changed everything. Everything just felt… healtheir, organized, transparent, they were professional at all times and my sons demeanor was impacted by the way they handled our sessions. He wasn’t on edge. He was more comfortable.

*My hearing minutes are public information through LA superior court if any fact finding or proof might validate this experience. This is for you, the reader not me. I take no pleasure in sharing the above.

Do your research…I encourage you to visit the physical address listed on Dana’s website. And don’t be afraid to seek fair treatment if you find yourself in a difficult situation. Do not get entangled with her.



Ms. Meizel was assigned to my case and I couldn't be happier. My son feels comfortable with her and she is always attentive. She remains neutral and I feel she does her absolute best to make this difficult time for everyone involved go as smoothly as possible.



Ms. Dana has been extremely helpful and professional throughout the difficult process of supervised visitation. Her number one priority during visits is my child’s safety, and I am extremely grateful to her for being understand and working with us through this process!



After experiencing monitor after monitor, I am so greatful to have met Dana. She is listed under the court recommended supervisors for her experience and knowledge in this profession. Some of these reviews seem to be from opposite parties who are unhappy which usually happens a when the parent doesn't follow the rules. I went through several monitors because the other father would slander them when he didn't get his way. For instance lying and trying to get sympathy for better pricing. Dana is competitive and comparable with pricing for other supervisors. Her pricing is fair. I feel she was very informative regarding rules, fair on both parties, and very professional. I feel she keeps my child safe and out of danger. I believe she has boundaries that she keeps to protect herself and the children. I would recommend Dana to other patents looking for an equal in biased monitor. She was a wonderful person to work for and would use her services again.


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